Watercolor of Mary's Place House

Our Impact

Financials and Tax Information

Our 2022 Impact Report icon

2023 Impact Report

Learn more about the impact we have made in the lives of women with cancer.

Our 2022 Impact Report icon

Our 2023 Financial Statement

Review our Audit Report from our Accountant.

Our 990 filing icon

Our 990 Filing

Review our IRS 990.

Mary’s Place by the Sea provides two-night retreats, day retreats, and virtual services to women with cancer. Since our founding, we have never had to charge a guest a single dollar to participate in our program. All accommodations, meals, and services are provided at NO COST to our guests, thanks to the generosity of our Mary’s Place by the Sea community.  To learn more about supporting our mission, please visit our donation page or contact our Director of Development.

Please note: Mary's Place by the Sea welcomes women diagnosed with any type of cancer, who are in active treatment or up to 2 years post-treatment or 2 years post diagnosis.

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